Press Release – For Immediate Release
5 June 2023
+1 202 599 2244, Ext: 1
Condemnation of the Arab League’s Endorsement of China’s Ongoing Genocide in Occupied East Turkistan
WASHINGTON, DC – The East Turkistan Government in Exile strongly condemns the recent visit to occupied East Turkistan by a 34-member Arab League delegation representing 16 Arab nations, including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Algeria. During the shameless visit, members of the Arab delegation made statements supporting China’s efforts to whitewash and deny its ongoing genocide against the predominantly Muslim Uyghurs and other Turkic people in East Turkistan.
The Arab League delegation’s treacherous actions in regards to East Turkistan requires an immediate and firm response from the Muslim world and the international community as a whole.
The recent visit by the Arab League to East Turkistan from May 30 to June 2 represents a blatant betrayal of its responsibility to defend the rights and well-being of their fellow oppressed Muslims,” said East Turkistan Government in Exile President Ghulam Yaghma. “By endorsing China’s genocide against the Uyghur and other Turkic peoples as so-called “counter terrorism,” members of the Arab League have not only disregarded justice, humanity, and Islamic teachings but they also sold their faith in exchange for temporary world gains from the Chinese government,” he concluded.
The East Turkistan Government in Exile reiterates unequivocally that China’s actions in East Turkistan are not so-called “anti-terrorism and anti extremism” measures, but rather a systematic manifestation of contemporary colonialism, racism, Islamophobia, and wholesale genocide.
The evidence of mass internment concentration camps, forced abortions, forced sterilization, forced labor, the destruction of thousands of mosques and other islamic sites, the burning of Islamic texts, and the prohibition of Islamic prayers, Muslim names, and even the Islamic greeting “Assalaamu Alaykum” is overwhelming. The Arab League has chosen to ignore the countless reports, satellite imagery analyses, testimonies, and leaked Chinese government documents that expose the heinous genocide and Islamophobia faced by the people of East Turkistan.
Muslims look to the Quran and Hadiths for guidance on their moral obligations. “Whoever among you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand; if he cannot, then with his tongue; and if he cannot, then with his heart, and that is the weakest level of faith.”
These words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) serve as a reminder to all Muslims that it is their duty to defend the oppressed people of East Turkistan and fight against injustice. The Hadith emphasizes the importance of taking action, whether it be physical intervention, speaking out against China’s ongoing genocide, or simply sensing disapproval in one’s heart.
“The Arab League’s endorsement of China’s genocide against Uyghur and Turkic Muslims in East Turkistan not only defies the sacred commands of the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, but also taints its reputation as the representatives of Muslim majority Arab nations,” said East Turkistan Government in Exile Minister of Religious Affairs Abdullah Khoja.
The East Turkistan Government in Exile calls on the Arab League to rectify its grave error by condemning China’s ongoing campaign of genocide and Islamophobia in Occupied East Turkistan and by supporting their East Turkistani Muslim co-religionists in their efforts to end China’s ongoing campaign of genocide and occupation in East Turkistan.