شەرقىي تۈركىستان سۈرگۈندى ھۆكۈمىتى


Restoring Independence for East Turkistan and its people

شەرقىي تۈركىستان سۈرگۈندى ھۆكۈمىتى


Restoring Independence for East Turkistan and its people

شەرقىي تۈركىستان سۈرگۈندى ھۆكۈمىتى

East Turkistan Government in Exile

Restoring Independence for East Turkistan and its people

Resolution No. 30 of the First East Turkistan Republic (1934)

Officials of the First East Turkistan Republic - Yengisher 1934

The First East Turkistan Republic was a short lived state that was established by Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, and other Turkic peoples of East Turkistan on November 12, 1933. Due to Soviet and Chinese invasion along with treachery within, the First East Turkistan Republic was overthrown on April 16, 1934.

The following document is translated from the original Resolution No. 30 issued by the East Turkistan Republic’s Ministerial Cabinet on March 2, 1934.

Resolution No. 30
The East Turkistan Islamic Republic’s Ministerial Cabinet’s Extraordinary Meeting

March 2, 1934 – 10 AM
Yengisar City


  1. Prime Minister Sabit Abdulbaqi
  2. Foreign Minister Qasimkhan Haji
  3. Justice Minister Zerip Qari
  4. Interior Minister Seyidzade Yunusbeg
  5. Health Minister Abdullah Ishan Hoja Xaliq
  6. Defense Minister and Deputy Commander in Chief Sultanbeg Bekhtiyarbeg
  7. Education Minister Abdulkerimkhan Mekhdum
  8. Finance (Treasury) Minister Eli Akhunbay
  9. Deputy Finance (Treasury) Minister Muhemmed Haji Mekhdumzade
  10. Endowment Minister Shemsidin Turdi Haji
  11. Trade Minister Salihbeg Insuddin Zade
  12. Khotan Amir Nur Ehmed
  13. Grand National Assembly (Parliament) Secretary Sufi Zade
  14. Mr. Musajan from the Independence Association
  15. All commanders from the Central War Department and Military General Staff participated

Issues that we laid out during this meeting:

Prime Minister Sabit Abdulbaqi’s report on the agreement conducted between President Khoja Niyaz Haji and the Soviet Government at Irkeshtam following his [President Khoja Niyaz Haji’s] trip to Russia during the middle of February this year [1934]:

According to the correspondence letter No. 308 sent by Khoja Niyaz to Prime Minister Sabit Abdulbaqi and the entire Ministerial Cabinet on February 25, 1934, along with the explanation of Sabit Abdulbaqi, its clear that Khoja Niyaz Haji made the following agreement with the Soviet Government:

*Agreement made between Khoja Niyaz Haji and the Soviet Government:

  1. From this day on [February 25, 1934], Khoja Niyaz Haji will cut all contact with the Nanjing Government [Republic of China] and will declare East Turkistan as independent in terms of internal affairs but externally it will be a country that looks towards Russia;
  2. Shall dissolve East Turkistan’s independence, shut down the National Republic and its Islamic Government and swear allegiance to Government headed by Military Govern Sheng [Sheng Shicai] in Urumchi;
  3. Khoja Niyaz Haji will be appointed head of the government, in other words Civil Governor by the Urumchi Government as soon as he leaves his duty as the President [of the East Turkistan Republic];
  4. Shall find a way to get the National Armed Forces found in the territory of East Turkistan to swear allegiance to Military Governor Sheng;
  5. Khoja Niyaz shall transfer all of the soldiers from Qumul and Turpan that are under his control commanded by General Mehmut [Mehmut Muhiti] to Military Governor Sheng so that they can assist the Chinese and Russian soldiers in disarming the National Army composed of Uyghurs, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, and Tungans [Huis] with the goal of bringing peace to Xinjiang;
  6. The agreement made between the Soviet Government and Military Governor Sheng in regard to transferring the Chinese, who are withdrawing from Manchuria, through Russia into East Turkistan shall be announced by Khoja Niyaz Haji;
  7. Khoja Niyaz Haji shall immediately dismiss and expel the foreign bureaucrats that are working in the Military Department of the East Turkistan Islamic Republic from the border of East Turkistan;
  8. The Soviet Government shall work to develop [modernize] and preserve the unity of East Turkistan.
  9. The Soviet Government shall (has full responsibility to) protect East Turkistan from any possible attacks coming from inner China, Nanjing, Manchuria and any other attacks coming from elsewhere;
  10. A disciplined army needs to be established after preserving the peace in East Turkistan, the Soviet Government will send a military delegation from the USSR along with necessary officials to help form this army;
  11. The Soviet Government will keep in mind to arm the new army that will be formed in East Turkistan with the latest weapons;
  12. A special agreement will be made between the Soviet Government and the Urumchi Government in regard to political and financial issues.

The East Turkistan Islamic Republic’s Ministerial Cabinet which obtained this information has issued the following resolution [in response]:

  1. By invitation of the Soviet Government, Khoja Niyaz Haji going beyond his duties assigned to him has made an illegal agreement, that is in violation of our national interests, with the Bolsheviks at Irkeshtam. The East Turkistan Islamic Republic sees this action as treason to the Turkistani people;
  1. The 12-point agreement made between the Soviet Government and Khoja Niyaz Haji is illegal [has no validity];
  2. Giving up East Turkistan’s independence, which was achieved over the years by making countless sacrifices, is accepting the eradication of East Turkistan’s Turkic [people]. Keeping this in mind, the Turkic [people] of East Turkistan are ready to devote everything to save our national independence. The Turkic [people] of East Turkistan despise Khoja Niyaz Haji’s unforgiveable treason;
  3. The Turkic [people] of East Turkistan will never accept being in the hands of the Bolsheviks, thus the USSR Government shall be informed of our nation’s grievance through the Soviet Consulate in Kashgar;
  4. The Soviet troops occupation of East Turkistan is a violation of international law and has not been seen in any history. The Turkic [people] of East Turkistan will see this as aggression and Red Imperialism, thus we shall have foreign consulates in Kashgar notify their governments about the Bolsheviks illegal actions!
  5. Taking advantage of Khoja Niyaz Haji’s foolish signature on the agreement, the Soviet Government will seek to occupy East Turkistan. Thus, it shall be recommended that the Minister of Defense and the General Chief of Staff undertake measures to protect [East Turkistan] from enemy attacks!
  6. Keeping in mind the difficult situation, the entire nation shall be mobilized [for defense]!
  7. A clear order [directive] should be given to Sherif Khan calling on him to prevent the Red Bolsheviks from transferring Chinese into East Turkistan via Russian territory!
  8. The East Turkistan Grand National Assembly shall be called, with urgency, for a meeting on March 10.
  9. This Ministerial Cabinet Resolution which has been made in regard to the agreement made between Khoja Niyaz Haji and the Soviet Government shall be given to the Grand National Assembly!
  10. If Khoja Niyaz doesn’t heed to the Ministerial Cabinet’s appeals and give up his path, the Grand National Assembly shall hold a vote to impeach him from his duties as the President and the Commander in Chief!
  11. An appeal shall be made to the Nanjing Government [Republic of China], Japanese Government, and the international community in regard to defending our rights!

Signed: Prime Minister Sabit Abdulbaqi
Grand National Assembly Secretary: Sufi Zade

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