The below article was published in Indonesian by Viva, translated into English via Google Translate, photo credit: Between Photos / Basri Marzuki
VIVA – The leadership of the East Turkistan Government in Exile in Washington DC, United States, revealed the latest facts about human rights violations that have occurred again and have befallen millions of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang, China , during the holy month of Ramadan .
Ramadan is forbidden The Prime Minister of the Government of East Turkistan in Exile, Salih Hudayar, said Communist Party officials “humiliated” Muslims in China’s Xinjiang province by forcing them to eat pork or drink alcoholic beverages during Ramadan. “Ramadan has basically been banned for the majority of Muslims in East Turkistan,” said Hudayar, quoted from the website , Tuesday, April 12, 2022.
“In fact, since the official launch of the genocide campaign and mass detentions in 2014, Uighurs and other Turkish Muslims have not been able to take part in Ramadan,” Hudayar continued.